Customer demos and comments

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A song using petit piano
Product used: Petit Piano
By James at 23:59:00 05-21-2015

Stella by Starlight with C7 Grand - Acousticsample s
Product used: C7 Grand
By MrSuperbaffone at 08:46:35 04-01-2015

A song i wrote using old black grand on uvi workstation with mellotron aswell.
Product used: OldBlackGrand
By james at 20:26:55 03-24-2015

Wurlie reprogrammé un poil de compression et un poil de chorus reprogramation de la dynamique fidèle a l'original
By xavier lagardere at 14:14:53 03-08-2015

Nord lead C2 pour le B3 . Sunbird et bassysm-L pour la basse
By xavier lagardere at 13:43:18 03-07-2015

Sunbird jeuen direct mode chord. nordlead C2 pour le B3 bassysm-j ben pour la basse
By xavier lagardere at 12:40:16 03-07-2015

C7 Grand with Plugin Alliance Maag EQ4 + Waves Renaissance EQ, Softube TRAR-1 Reverb Other instruments are Drums:Sup erior Drummer2 + Stylus RMX/ Bass:Trilian/ Congas Stylus RMX/ Wurie Epf :Neo-Soul Keys/ Mk1 Epf : UVI RetroKeyboards / Clavi:UVI RetroKeyboards / Guitar: SCARBEE Funk Guitarist/ Strings: HOLLYWOOD STRINGS + Session Strings/ Brass Section: Session Horns/ Alto Sax by Steve Bone
Product used: C7 Grand
By TK Valentino at 11:42:02 03-07-2015

Demo by Scott Yahney using the C7Grand and the Kick from Stardrums
Product used: C7 Grand
By Scott Yahney at 10:46:43 03-07-2015

Artist name:Luv2Luv Baby Song title:Izayoi Album title:A Taste Of Honey Sunbird acoustic guitar with WAVES REQ4, WAVES L3-LL Ultra maximizer, Softube TSAR-1 Reverb.  Othe r instruments are Drums:Superior Drummer2/ Acoustic Bass:Trilian/ AccPf:MachFive German Grand/ Glocken spiel:KONTAKT5 / Congas:STYLUS RMX/ Strings:HOLLYW OOD STRINGS/ Sop. Sax: YAMAHA MM6/ made with MacPro, Digital Performer 8.07.
By TK Valentino at 10:13:16 03-07-2015

Jeu direct en mode chords. repost if you like
Product used: Sunbird
By xavier lagardere at 11:58:33 03-04-2015

Benjamin "Jiben" Sire / Soundtrack composer : a "Hey Jude" cover realised to test Sunbird acoustic guitar (other instruments : native instruments vintage organ / superior drummer 2 acoustic and vintage / real tamburin and HH)

Product used: Sunbird
By Benjamin at 13:46:08 02-25-2015

Here is a song I Release last year 2014 Nagoya, I'm Using Cakewalk Sonar Producer X3 UVI and Acoustic samples VibysM on the solo. Here is where all my stuff is http://nikituj

Product used: VibysM
By Rodney E Foster,Sr at 04:06:16 02-25-2015

Used GD 6 for acoustic guitar.....and this is the older version. I have the updated version and it is even better. I used Telematic for the lead guitar through Native Instruments Guitar Rig. This is a Gospel spoken word video. These are incredible tools and not only sound realistic but the question becomes where can I get a guitar recording that sounds this good. Great Job Acousticsample s
Product used: GD-6 Acoustic Guitar
By Richard Hartline at 02:36:24 02-25-2015

mix piano voix avec le kawai ex pro reprogrammé et légèrement chorussé.

Product used: KAWAI-EX PRO
By lepourfendeur de gnoux at 21:20:11 02-24-2015

Ragtime style on an old piano.

Product used: B-PIAN
By Miro at 17:35:36 02-24-2015

Eventide Blackhole Plugin feat. Motu Machfive 3 Mark 79 Acousticsample s David KAESER's Composition named "Horizon" made with a Macbook, Logic Pro 9, Eventide Blackhole plugin, UVIWorkstation using Machfive 3 and Mark 79 from Acousticsample s, an Edirol PCR-800 and some drum loops. Than ks to Franck Menegazzo for the bass part. My website : http://www.dfu
Product used: Mark79
By David Kaeser at 16:57:50 02-24-2015

Eventide Blackhole plugin presets featuring Wurlie from Acousticsample s. David KAESER's Demo made with a Macbook, Logic Pro 9, Eventide Blackhole plugin, UVIWorkstation using Wurlie from Acousticsample s and an Edirol PCR-800. My website : http://www.dfu
Product used: Wurlie
By David Kaeser at 16:56:25 02-24-2015

kawai ex pro

Product used: KAWAI-EX PRO
By lepourfendeur degnoux at 15:37:24 02-24-2015

I recently bought AcousticSample 's Sunbird and took it for a little test-drive. I had been listening to Jon Gomm (whose song Passionflower I really dig, and wanted to see if I could create a related sound with the Sunbird! Playing with the sound in Cubase Pro 8, I found myself jamming Nothing Else Matters by Metallica, but in 4/4. This is the end result, I hope you enjoyed it.

Product used: Sunbird
By Bas van den Boom at 14:57:54 02-24-2015

A Free-style, mellow track I made with the Kawai-Ex Pro one evening.
Product used: KAWAI-EX PRO
By Andre Louis at 13:14:35 02-24-2015